GSKET for Christmas 2020

eCard GSKET pngGSKET supports the Association “Faustino Pugliese” in the fight against cancer.

The Faustino Pugliese Association was founded in 2017 to keep alive the memory of Faustino Pugliese, who lost his battle against cancer. Faustino was a true warrior, and we are committed to taking action in the fight against cancer providing care and support for cancer patients and families.

We are a very small Association of volunteers, made up basically of Faustino’s wife and friends and we are proud of the results achieved so far.

In collaboration with local hospitals dedicated to cancer treatment, we created a positive environment for little patients such as a fully furnished space where to play, new toys, laboratories etc. and we even supplied medical devices more specific to their special needs such as wheelchairs, infusion pumps, etc.

This Christmas we decided to help cancer patients, who have reached a terminal stage, to be treated at their homes.

The covid situation has had a dramatic impact on all of us, but we must not forget our cancer warriors, now more than before they need our help.

We all deserve to be healthy and happy.

After the verb “to love” the verb “to help” is the most beautiful in the world!


For donations:  

IBAN: IT18Z0311133860000000000414

Reason for payment: “In the memory of Faustino Pugliese”